Diving "Port Skerra" .

Buddy :- Karen Singer Start Code :- A. Time Down :- 10:55am. Dive Time :- 26min. Time Up :- 11:21am . Total Time :- 26min. Max Depth :- 15m. Visibility :- OK. Weather Conditions :- Calm, Overcast, Dry.

After compleating a buddy check with Karen we swam out into the harbour on the surface untill we had some depth. Passing the time blethering :D Once we were near the arch mouth I descended to the bottom but Karen had a wee problem with her descent as she was positively bouyant and therefore couldn't descend, she swiftly resolved the issue however before joining me underwater. We then proceeded through the arch before turning right and proceeding in an easterly direction untill we reached a gully in the cliff face. We then backtracked to the archway and continued to the harbour enterance where we then entered the harbour and made our way back to the slip before exiting. Throughout the dive the Viz was OK and in comparrison to some dives Ivd had in the past quite good I suppose. Didn't see a lot of sea life however. Small crabs, Sea Urchins, Sellag's, Baby Lobster ( Karen had the right name for them but I cant rememebr what it was now :/ ) Although I have been here numerous times already I did enjoy the diveand thats all that matters :D