Diving "Scarf Rock" .

Buddy :- Richard Guest. Start Code :- A. Time Down :- 7:10pm. Dive Time :- 40min. Time Up :- 7:50pm. Total Time 40 mins. Max Depth :- Not Much. Visibility :- Good. Weather Conditions :- Windy, Cloudy, Cold, Dry.

Myself and Richard entered the water from the pier at Skarfskerry after compleating our buddy check. We swam round to the rudder and took our bearings before heading over to whats left of the main body of the vessel. We looked at the boilers and the prop shaft and Richard informed me later that he had spotted the anchor as well. I had a good rake about in underneath the hull plates and ribs of the ship. Saw the usual sort of life. Fish , small crabs etc etc etc. Went a look to the left of the ship and found a small gully. Not much to it. We surfaced not long after that and got our bearings before heading back to the pier. The dive was ok but you soon get bored of the Linkmoor